ROLE: Research | User Flow | Wireframe | Prototype | User Testing
An App for Urgent child pick-up.
Presentation Deck
Caption: NAB-ME - AN APP FOR URGENT CHILD pick-up.
Caption: NAB-ME: PROBLEM Improve busy parents' everyday experience with managing their day-to-day responsibilities.
Caption: NAB-ME: RESEARCH Interviewed 3-5 busy parents between the ages of 30-48. Most parents had a firm grasp on managing their day-to-day schedules and had tools they used successfully.
This research debunked the initial problem. This research looked deeper and found that family support was one of the top trends utilized for emergencies/urgent child pick-ups.
Further research leads me to pivot to a new question. What do parents and caretakers use to manage their day-to-day responsibilities when they have a limited support system?
Caption: NAB-ME: NEW PROBLEM Parents who lack family support sometimes have difficulty accommodating child drop-offs/pick-ups when last-minute deadlines/events occur.
Caption: NAB-ME: PERSONAS I'm Carolyn, and I have two kids in the 2nd and 3rd grade. My partner and I get excited and a sense of accomplishment when our day-to-schedule is in-sync with the family. We are a very busy family with school drop-offs during the week and sports events on the weekend. We both work full-time. Our mission is to have dinner every night together as a family.
We often work in different locations, so we must divide and conquer when making events/deadlines. We are far from family, so we do not have that support. It's frustrating when a last-minute occasion arises because we usually need more time for them. It would be great to have support/people to call on if we are in a pinch.
Caption: NAB-ME: SOLUTION Nab-Me is a social app created for families who lack extended family support. Nab-Me allows families to meet people to assist with urgent childcare pick-ups.
Caption: NAB-ME: COMPETITIVE ANALYSIS Apps: Safety/Insurance Drivers/Drivers paid/Services of friendly drivers/pick-up in the local/current area/Reservation process easy
Caption: NAB-ME: USER FLOW Image of hand-drawn initial User-flow
Caption: NAB-ME: USER FLOW Image of final User-flow